Friday, 22 March 2013

Retrieving Marketing List members  in MSCRM  Statsic VS Dynamic:

Firstly, let’s identify the main difference between a static and dynamic Marketing List. A static Marketing List allows you to use Lookup or Advanced Find to add or remove members from the list. However, this is a manual process.
A dynamic Marketing List allows you to setup parameters to control which records will be added or removed from a list. For example, you can setup your dynamic Marketing List to include all Contacts who live in Auckland. Whenever a new Contact is created and has their City set to “Auckland”, CRM will automatically add them to the Marketing List.
The next important difference to note is the way in which Marketing List members are stored in the CRM database. Like Dynamics CRM 4.0, information regarding members belonging to a static Marketing List is stored in two tables. These are:
List – This table stores information about the Marketing List itself.
List Member – This is an intersect table which links a Contact, Account, or Lead to a particular Marketing List.
 Retrieving Marketing List Members in CRM 2011
For example, if we have a Contact in a static Marketing List, the intersect table will store the ContactId and the ListId to associate both records together.
Let’s contrast this with a dynamic Marketing List which doesn’t use the List or List Member tables at all. Instead, the Listtable stores a field called Query which stores a FetchXML query string to determine the Marketing List members. Carrying on with the example above, we would have a FetchXML representation of “all Contacts who live in Auckland”. When the Marketing List is opened in CRM and a user clicks on Marketing List Members, CRM will run the FetchXML query at runtime and display the results to the user.
 Retrieving Marketing List Members in CRM 2011

Code to get the execution entity id , name  in MSCRM custom Workflow:

IWorkflowContext contexto = context.GetExtension<IWorkflowContext>();
String entityName = contexto.PrimaryEntityName;
Guid entityId = contexto.PrimaryEntityId;
Activity Feed @ MSCRM:

1) Creating Microsoft CRM 2011 Activity Feed Auto Posts with Workflow

2) Activity Feeds Report

3)   CRM 2011 – Activity Feed Article List

Introduction to activity feeds by Richard Knudson

Activity feed rules

Activity feeds

How to do mentions in activity feeds

Sample code for activity feeds

working with the SDK and activity feeds

How to create a post with mentions using a workflow

following and unfollowing records in CRM

How to add a record to the wall

5) How to Create a Post with Mentions using Workflow?

6) Microsoft Dynamic CRM 2011 Activity Feed Part 2 – Working with Activity Feeds -

7) Check out the new Activity feeds in Dynamics CRM 2011

8)  Introduction to the Activity Feeds Solution

9) Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Activity Feeds – Configuring Custom Entities

10) Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Activity Feed, Part 1 – Getting Started

11) Best Practices for Activity Reporting In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

12) Light “spackling” for your Activity Feed walls

13)  CRM 2011 Activity Posts via Workflow

C# code to execute custom workflow in MSCRM 2011:

ExecuteWorkflowRequest request = new ExecuteWorkflowRequest()
    WorkflowId = _workflowId,
    EntityId = _leadId
Console.Write("Created ExecuteWorkflow request, ");

// Execute the workflow.
ExecuteWorkflowResponse response =

code to retrieve the Marketing lIst memebers in MSCRM 2011:

Query Expression: we will fetch 5000 records first then next 5000 ...continued... more useful in custom workflows

 ArrayList memberGuids = new ArrayList();                        
                        PagingInfo pageInfo = new PagingInfo();
                         pageInfo.Count = 5000;
                         pageInfo.PageNumber = 1;

                        QueryByAttribute query = new QueryByAttribute("listmember");
                         // pass the guid of the Static marketing list
                        query.AddAttributeValue("listid", marketingListId);
                         query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true);
                         EntityCollection entityCollection = service.RetrieveMultiple(query);

                        foreach (Entity entity in entityCollection.Entities)
                         memberGuids.Add(((EntityReference) entity.Attributes["entityid"]).Id);

                        // if list contains more than 5000 records
                         while (entityCollection.MoreRecords)
                         query.PageInfo.PageNumber += 1;
                         query.PageInfo.PagingCookie = entityCollection.PagingCookie;
                         entityCollection = service.RetrieveMultiple(query);

                        foreach (Entity entity in entityCollection.Entities)

Fetch XML:

string ListMembersfetchXml = @"<fetch version=""1.0"" output-format=""xml-platform"" mapping=""logical"" distinct=""false"">
                                                                      <entity name=""listmember"">
                                                                            <attribute name=""entityid"" />
                                                                            <attribute name=""entitytype"" />                                                      
                                                                            <filter type=""and"">
                                                                              <condition attribute=""listid"" operator=""eq""  value=""" + new Guid(marketingListId) + @""" />

                                                EntityCollection listMemberResult = service.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(ListMembersfetchXml));

Javascript code: BY NIshanth Rana

// call this function and pass the id of the static marketing list to it
 function GetAllMembers(listGuid)

 _sOrgName = "";
 memberArray = new Array();
 morePages = 'true';
 pageNumber = 1;
 pageCookie = '';

 context = typeof (Xrm) == "undefined" ? GetGlobalContext() : Xrm.Page.context;
 var _sServerUrl = context.getServerUrl();
 if (_sServerUrl.match(/\/$/)) {
 _sServerUrl= _sServerUrl.substring(0, serverUrl.length - 1);



function GetMarketingListMembers(listGuid) {

 fetchOnLoad(pageNumber, pageCookie, listGuid);

for (var i = 0; i < memberArray.length; i++) {

 // Iterates over numeric indexes from 0 to 5, as everyone expects

function fetchOnLoad(pageNumber, pageCookie, listGuid) {

 recordGuid = listGuid;

var sFetch = "<fetch mapping='logical' page='" + pageNumber + "' count='5000' paging-cookie='" + pageCookie + "' version='1.0'>" +
 "<entity name='listmember'>" +
 "<attribute name='entityid' />" +
 "<filter>" +
 "<condition attribute='listid' operator='eq' value='" + recordGuid + "' />" +
 "</filter>" +
 "</entity>" +

_oService = new FetchUtil(_sOrgName, _sServerUrl);
 _oService.Fetch(sFetch, myCallBack);

 function myCallBack(results) {

// add all the member in the array

for (i in results) {

if (morePages == 'true') {
 fetchOnLoad(pageNumber, pageCookie, recordGuid);


function FetchUtil(sOrg, sServer) { = sOrg;
 this.server = sServer;
 if (sOrg == null) {
 if (typeof(ORG_UNIQUE_NAME) != "undefined") { = ORG_UNIQUE_NAME;
 if (sServer == null) {
 this.server = window.location.protocol + "//" +;

FetchUtil.prototype._ExecuteRequest = function(sXml, sMessage, fInternalCallback, fUserCallback) {
 var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", this.server + "/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc/web", false);
 xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/xml, text/xml, */*");
 xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
 xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "");
 if (fUserCallback != null) {
 //asynchronous: register callback function, then send the request.
 var crmServiceObject = this;
 xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {, xmlhttp, fUserCallback)
 } else {
 //synchronous: send request, then call the callback function directly
 return, xmlhttp, null);
 FetchUtil.prototype._HandleErrors = function(xmlhttp) {
 /// <summary>(private) Handles xmlhttp errors</summary>
 if (xmlhttp.status != XMLHTTPSUCCESS) {
 var sError = "Error: " + xmlhttp.responseText + " " + xmlhttp.statusText;
 return true;
 } else {
 return false;
 FetchUtil.prototype.Fetch = function(sFetchXml, fCallback) {
 /// <summary>Execute a FetchXml request. (result is the response XML)</summary>
 /// <param name="sFetchXml">fetchxml string</param>
 /// <param name="fCallback" optional="true" type="function">(Optional) Async callback function if specified. If left null, function is synchronous </param>
 var request = "<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"\">";
 request += "<s:Body>";
 request += "<Execute xmlns=''>" + "<request i:type=\"b:RetrieveMultipleRequest\" " + ' xmlns:b="" ' + ' xmlns:i="">' + '<b:Parameters xmlns:c="">' + '<b:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>' + '<c:key>Query</c:key>' + '<c:value i:type="b:FetchExpression">' + '<b:Query>';
 request += CrmEncodeDecode.CrmXmlEncode(sFetchXml);
 request += '</b:Query>' + '</c:value>' + '</b:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>' + '</b:Parameters>' + '<b:RequestId i:nil="true"/>' + '<b:RequestName>RetrieveMultiple</b:RequestName>' + '</request>' + '</Execute>';
 request += "</s:Body></s:Envelope>";
 return this._ExecuteRequest(request, "Fetch", this._FetchCallback, fCallback);

FetchUtil.prototype._FetchCallback = function(xmlhttp, callback) {
 ///<summary>(private) Fetch message callback.</summary>
 //xmlhttp must be completed
 if (xmlhttp.readyState != XMLHTTPREADY) {
 //check for server errors
 if (this._HandleErrors(xmlhttp)) {
 var moreRecordsXML = xmlhttp.responseXML.selectSingleNode("//a:MoreRecords").text;
 if (moreRecordsXML == 'true') {
 morePages = 'true';
 pageCookie = xmlhttp.responseXML.selectSingleNode("//a:PagingCookie").text;
 pageCookie = pageCookie.replace( /\"/g , '\'');
 pageCookie = pageCookie.replace( /</g , '&lt;');
 pageCookie = pageCookie.replace( />/g , '&gt;');
 pageCookie = pageCookie.replace( /'/g , '&quot;');
 pageNumber = pageNumber + 1;
 } else {
 morePages = 'false';

// get the value of the morerecords

var sFetchResult = xmlhttp.responseXML.selectSingleNode("//a:Entities").xml;
 var resultDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
 resultDoc.async = false;
 //parse result xml into array of jsDynamicEntity objects
 var results = new Array(resultDoc.firstChild.childNodes.length);
 for (var i = 0; i < resultDoc.firstChild.childNodes.length; i++) {
 var oResultNode = resultDoc.firstChild.childNodes[i];
 var jDE = new jsDynamicEntity();
 var obj = new Object();
 for (var j = 0; j < oResultNode.childNodes.length; j++) {
 switch (oResultNode.childNodes[j].baseName) {
 case "Attributes":
 var attr = oResultNode.childNodes[j];
 for (var k = 0; k < attr.childNodes.length; k++) {
 // Establish the Key for the Attribute
 var sKey = attr.childNodes[k].firstChild.text;
 var sType = "";
 // Determine the Type of Attribute value we should expect
 for (var l = 0; l < attr.childNodes[k].childNodes[1].attributes.length; l++) {
 if (attr.childNodes[k].childNodes[1].attributes[l].baseName == 'type') {
 sType = attr.childNodes[k].childNodes[1].attributes[l].text;
 switch (sType) {
 case "a:OptionSetValue":
 var entOSV = new jsOptionSetValue();
 entOSV.type = sType;
 entOSV.value = attr.childNodes[k].childNodes[1].text;
 obj[sKey] = entOSV;
 case "a:EntityReference":
 var entRef = new jsEntityReference();
 entRef.type = sType;
 entRef.guid = attr.childNodes[k].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].text;
 entRef.logicalName = attr.childNodes[k].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].text; = attr.childNodes[k].childNodes[1].childNodes[2].text;
 obj[sKey] = entRef;
 var entCV = new jsCrmValue();
 entCV.type = sType;
 entCV.value = attr.childNodes[k].childNodes[1].text;
 obj[sKey] = entCV;
 jDE.attributes = obj;
 case "Id":
 jDE.guid = oResultNode.childNodes[j].text;
 case "LogicalName":
 jDE.logicalName = oResultNode.childNodes[j].text;
 case "FormattedValues":
 var foVal = oResultNode.childNodes[j];
 for (var k = 0; k < foVal.childNodes.length; k++) {
 // Establish the Key, we are going to fill in the formatted value of the already found attribute
 var sKey = foVal.childNodes[k].firstChild.text;
 jDE.attributes[sKey].formattedValue = foVal.childNodes[k].childNodes[1].text;
 results[i] = jDE;
 //return entities
 if (callback != null) callback(results);
 else return results;

function jsDynamicEntity(gID, sLogicalName) {
 this.guid = gID;
 this.logicalName = sLogicalName;
 this.attributes = new Object();

function jsCrmValue(sType, sValue) {
 this.type = sType;
 this.value = sValue;

function jsEntityReference(gID, sLogicalName, sName) {
 this.guid = gID;
 this.logicalName = sLogicalName; = sName;
 this.type = 'EntityReference';

function jsOptionSetValue(iValue, sFormattedValue) {
 this.value = iValue;
 this.formattedValue = sFormattedValue;
 this.type = 'OptionSetValue';