Friday, 11 October 2013

MSCRM 2013 Image Data Type

In CRM 2011, images are stored in notes as MIME encoded text. As a result, images get converted to a displayable format for every read and no pre-cached thumbnails exist. In CRM 2013, images are being introduced as a first class data type. You can now add images as a field, capture/store images and improve query operations on images.
You can capture and maintain images for User Profile, Contacts and Leads, and Account logos.

Data Modelling
·         Image data type as a field type to the application customization experience.
·         Support for only one Image field per entity.
·         Image stored as binary data in the CRM database.
·         Resize images server-side to conserve storage space and improve performance.
    § Original image uploaded not saved.
·         CRUD Operations
   § Support standard CRUD operations of Images the same as any other CRM data type.

   § Reference images via URL- ability to include URL and binary data in a RetrieveMultiple or   FetchXML call. 

MSCRM 2011 Customizable Tooltips

In CRM 2011, tool tips are minimal and typically repeat the display name attribute of the field. These type of tool tips are useful for unlabeled UI, however most form fields have labels assigned to them and users need more information when entering or selecting data. Explanatory tooltips provide helpful text to address known user questions, explain terminology or concepts, and help end-users make good decisions to stay on task.

In CRM 2013, custom tooltips aim to improve the user experience by:

  •  Providing information on how to use and complete forms, right on the page.
  • Allowing organizations to display their business-specific information and processes to their users right in the CRM forms.

The system customizers can update tool tips when they are customizing an entity or entity attribute. The following points are to be noted:

Attribute Tool Tips
You can display entity attribute “Description” as tool tips on fields, buttons, etc. on existing forms for customizable entities. This will work against OOB and custom attributes.

Form Tool Tips
You can define tool tips to be displayed and the browser determines how the tool tip is displayed and for how long it would get displayed.

Rewritten Descriptions for Use as Tooltips – Refresh Forms
Specifically for Refresh Forms: All descriptions that can be displayed on the forms have now been rewritten for use as customizable tooltips.

Standard Customization Path
You can customize these tool tips simply by editing Description via the Settings > Customization UI> Form editor or field editor.

MSCRM 2013 New Phone Number Format

In the December 2012 Service Update, Phone Format was added for a number of telephone number fields on OOB entities. Most phone number fields in the OOB entities were also migrated as part of the release, but some fields, such as Fax number, did not get the Phone format.

In CRM 2013, this format with the label Phone Number is being added to the list of available formats in the attribute editor.
Fields with this format type enable a click-to-call experience for your telephony provider such as Lync or Skype.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Parsing Whole Number value while Setting in MSCRM 2011

Int i;
if (Int32.TryParse(TextBox_Employees.Text, out i))
 mylead["numberofemployees"] = i;

Get selected Option Set value label in mscrm 2011 C#

                      RetrieveAttributeRequest request = new RetrieveAttributeRequest();
                       request.EntityLogicalName = targetEntity.LogicalName;
                       request.LogicalName = optionsetLogicalName;
                       request.RetrieveAsIfPublished = true;          

                      RetrieveAttributeResponse response = (RetrieveAttributeResponse)service.Execute(request);
                       PicklistAttributeMetadata picklist = (PicklistAttributeMetadata)response.AttributeMetadata;

                       var query = from option in picklist.OptionSet.Options
                                   where option.Value == int.Parse(Statusvalue.ToString())
                                   select option.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label;
                        SselectedOptionSetlLabel = query.FirstOrDefault().ToString();