Sunday, 8 December 2013

Creste Email using CRM 2011 Plug In

private void SendEmail(IOrganizationService service, Guid recieverUserId, Guid senderUserId, Guid regardingObjectId, string emailBody, string emailSubject)
Entity email = new Entity();
email.LogicalName = “email”;
//Set regarding object property (i.e. The entity record, which u want this email associated with)
EntityReference regardingObject = new EntityReference(“{entity_name}”, regardingObjectId);
//Defining Activity Parties (starts)
EntityReference from = new EntityReference(“systemuser”, senderUserId);
EntityReference to = new EntityReference(“systemuser”,recieverUserId);
//Derive from party
Entity fromParty = new Entity(“activityparty”);
//Derive to party
Entity toParty = new Entity(“activityparty”);
toParty.Attributes.Add(“partyid”, to);
EntityCollection collFromParty = new EntityCollection();
collFromParty.EntityName = “systemuser”;
EntityCollection collToParty = new EntityCollection();
collToParty.EntityName = “systemuser”;
email.Attributes.Add(“to”, collToParty);
//Defining Activity Parties (ends)
//Set subject & body properties
email.Attributes.Add(“description”, emailBody);
//Create email activity
Guid emailID = service.Create(email);
//Sending email
SendEmailRequest reqSendEmail = new SendEmailRequest();
reqSendEmail.EmailId = emailID;//ID of created mail
reqSendEmail.TrackingToken = “”;
reqSendEmail.IssueSend = true;
SendEmailResponse res = (SendEmailResponse)service.Execute(reqSendEmail);

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

how to refresh parent ms crm 2011 form on child aspx custom page close?


I have button custom button in contract entity ribbon area. (MS CRM 2011).

In that button click I am opening an .aspx page through “window.showModalDialog”.

In the .aspx I want to access the contract entity record some attributes to set values for it.

But I am unable to access the CRM from.

I have tried like'iaah_cohortyesclicked').setValue('yes');"'iaah_cohortyesclicked'").value = "value";

It is not working.


In the contract entity javascript where I am opening the window.showModalDialog

Now I am passing the CRM form windows object as parameter to showModalDialog.

//In javascript

window.showModalDialog(strSourceURL,window, "dialogHeight:200px;dialogWidth:550px;center:yes; resizable:0;maximize:0;minimize:0;status:no;scroll:no");

Before I was opening the dialog as

window.showModalDialog(strSourceURL,null, "dialogHeight:200px;dialogWidth:550px;center:yes; resizable:0;maximize:0;minimize:0;status:no;scroll:no");

Instead of null I am passing window.

Now I can able to access the CRM form attributes in my .aspx page.


var parentWindow = window.dialogArguments;'iaah_cohortyesclicked').setValue('yes');


Sunday, 1 December 2013

CRM 2013 Custom Actions


CRM 2013 adds a new handy feature called Custom Actions. Custom Actions provide the ability for non-developer administrators to write reusable modules of logic that developers can trigger through client-side or server-side code. Custom Actions are built using a similar UI as workflows with the same capabilities. The actions are run synchronously and can take in parameters as well as return values. Custom Actions can be pretty powerful and are a great way to share logic between both JavaScript and plugins. Below is a great example we came up with to show how we can replace a 2011 style configuration entity with 2013 Custom Actions.

In CRM 2011, if you need to reference values in code that would change between deployments, the best practice is to create a new entity (typically called Configuration) and add necessary attributes for configurable values such as a “Server URL” of an integration web service. The sole purpose of this entity is to hold one record that would contain the correct values that your custom code can reference, usually for integration purposes. The downside to this approach is that it adds overhead by needing to create a whole entity that will only ever have one record and you need to manually import that record into your target environment. Below is a step-by-step guide on how we can avoid a configuration entity in CRM 2013 using Custom Actions.

In CRM 2013, go to Settings and then Processes. Create a new Process and set the Category to “Action” and the Entity to “None (global)”.

Once the process is created, click the plus icon to add a new argument and set the name to the configuration value such as “ServerUrl”. Set the Type appropriately based on your value and set the Direction to Output. Do this for each configuration value needed.

Scroll down to the designer and click “Add Step” and then “Assign Value”.

Click Properties and in the new dialog window, type in the value for your configuration attribute.

Now save and activate your new custom action.

The custom action is now live so we can use the CrmSvcUtil to generate an SDK message for the action so that we can easily use it with server-side code. You can use the CrmSvcUtil the same way in 2013 as you did in 2011 but you will need to add the “/a” flag to generate an SDK message for your custom actions.

Note: You will need the latest CrmSvcUtil which is provided here in the 2013 SDK.

CrmSvcUtil /url:http://server/org/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc /out:Demo.cs
/serviceContextName:DemoContext /namespace:Demo.Model /a

Now we can reference the new_GetConfigurationValuesRequest and execute it to get the ServerUrl value from CRM. Even though we specified the custom action as global, we are still required to pass in an EntityReference otherwise CRM will throw an error. Our workaround for this is to pass in the ID of the current user.

var request =
new new_GetConfigurationValuesRequest()
Target = new EntityReference("systemuser", GetCurrentUserId()),

var response = (new_GetConfigurationValuesResponse)_service.Execute(request);
var url = response.ServerUrl;

So there you have it! Executing this request returns “http://server” that I had set in the custom action and now we can use it to replace a configuration entity. As you can see, custom actions can be pretty powerful. One improvement we’re hoping for in the future is to allow custom actions to execute custom code, similar to a workflow assembly. This would allow developers to easily kick off server-side code from JavaScript.


Thursday, 28 November 2013

How to get get and Set the Party list in Javascript:

To retrieve values by jscript: 

var partylistItem = new Array;
//get the items/values in a field named"resources"

partylistItem  = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("resources").getValue();

To set values by  jscript :
To set  values we also  need to  get an  array.
 var partlistset= new Array();
partlistset[0] = new Object();
partlistset[0].id = id; // provide a guid type value
partlistset[0].name = name; // provide a suitable name
partlistset[0].entityType = entityType; // provide the entity  name  of the item  ie account/ contact etc .